Wildfire Evacuation Tips
July 2024If you receive an order to evacuate because of a wildfire, it's important to act quickly.
Here are three key things to remember if you must evacuate. Our Wildfire Emergency Planner is also available to help you keep track of your emergency supplies, evacuation routes, important contact information, and more.
1. Bring only the essentials with you
- Remember the Five P's of Evacuation: People & pets, Prescriptions, Papers, Personal Needs, Priceless Items
- Have an emergency kit ready to transport to streamline your evacuation process. Learn more about building a wildfire emergency kit.
2. Exit using your community's evacuation route
- Know an alternate route to take, as well, in case roads are blocked.
- Leave early to avoid being trapped.
- Have a plan ready for evacuating people with disabilities and others with access or functional needs, as well as pets, service animals, and livestock.
- Keep headlights on if there is a lot of smoke present.
- Watch for other vehicles and fleeing vehicles or livestock.
3. Notify your out-of-town contact where you're going and when you've arrived.
- As part of your wildfire communication plan, choose one contact for all family members to get in touch with via phone or social media. Out-of-town contacts, who aren't in the wildfire area, are likely easier to reach.
- Store their contact information in your emergency kit or "go bag" so you can quickly retrieve it even if your phone is not available.
The Mutual of Enumclaw Wildfire Program is a service provided to members with Homeowners (HO-3 and HO-5) or Farm Property coverage.
We do not consider wildfire risk mitigation actions for our eligibility or rating plan. Mutual of Enumclaw uses a third-party vendor to assess wildfire risk and members can impact their score by clearing vegetation in the area surrounding the property. This can be done directly by the policyholder on their property and at the community level, such as through NFPA’s Firewise Community program.
The information we share on our site is intended to serve as a general overview. Please refer to your policy or contact your local independent agent for specific coverage details.

How to Build a Wildfire Emergency Kit
July 2024Wildfire protection is part of the policy.
The Mutual of Enumclaw Wildfire Program and our partnership with Wildfire Defense Systems, Inc. (WDS) were created to help protect your property, at no additional cost to you.