Boat Coverage

Be protected on and off the water.

Our boat policy provides protection on the water, on the road, or while in storage all year long. Liability coverage (property and bodily injury) is included for you, your family members, or anyone operating your boat with your permission. Coverage can be added for towing and labor in case your boat is disabled.

Your Local Independent Agent

A thoughtful independent agent can help determine the right combination of insurance products for you and your family. They can explain coverage options and help identify any available discounts (including discounts related to boat safety, type of boat, and equipment).

Please be sure and talk with your agent about:

  • What kind of coverage is right for you
  • Should you consider an Excess Liability policy?
  • Any discounts that may be available

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Home and Auto are best together.

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The information we share on our site is intended to serve as a general overview. Please refer to your policy or contact your local independent agent for specific coverage details.